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सोमवार, 4 नवंबर 2019

10 Blogging Tools to Become Success Blogger- hindivigyan

Today we are going to give you very special information, today everyone wants Blogger to rank their blog and increase high traffic on it, but not everyone knows about it, but we are going to give you the information today Top 10 for Blog is about to tell about Blogging Tools.

With the help of which you can Seo your blog well and with its proper use, you can also get good traffic on your blog.
You will have seen many posts in which you are told similar things like making backlink, keeping the theme good, etc. All of this is true, but apart from that, we are going to tell you some such tools with which you can optimize your blog and we can give you The tools that are telling us are absolutely free, all new and old Blogger can use it.

Top 10 Blogging Tools for Blog

To become a successful blogger, the top 10 tools that you need to know about, if you are a blogger like me, then it will prove to be a very useful tool in your blogging, so friends, let us know what those tools are.

1. Google Trend

If you want to bring high traffic to your blog as soon as possible, then this is a very good tool for you, in this you will get all those topics which are currently in Trending and most people are searching by people, if you write an article on the same topic. And if it is ranked, then you can get lakhs of traffic in a day, to see Trading Topic, these are the best Blogging Tools.

2. Google Keywords Planner

Keywords are very important to rank your blog, since your post is ranked by that and traffic comes on it, then you can search keywords here for your post, this is a free tool.
In this, you can see High, Medium, Low Computation keywords by filtering and you can also take keywords of the country in which you want to rank your post.

3. Impact Blog Title

To rank your blog and Post Title for High Traffic and Heading has a big role, with the help of this tools you can create a great title for your post, in which you only have to enter keywords, later this is the best title Automatic Generate does it.

4. PixaBay

It is very important to put an image in your blog, but if you put a photo from Google in the blog, then you can also get copyright, but you can download high quality image from Pixa Boy and put it on the blog, here you can get millions of photos You will get them which are copyright free.

5. Grammarly

To become a successful blogger, these tools are very important for you, because in this you get Grammarly Spelling, Sentence Structure Style, Punctuation, Alternatives Etc to see feature free. You can fix it.

6. Buffer

This is a great tool for social media management, with the help of this, you can manage many social media like Facebook, Twitter Etc’s Dashboard here and you can schedule your every post here together on your All Social Media Accounts Post Share can do.

7. Google Analytics

To become a successful blogger, it is very important to keep an eye on the activities of your blog and for this these tools are very good, so that you can monitor all your posts very easily, along with you Bounce Rate, Traffic, Many features like Keywords, Country, Real Time View are available in Free.

8. Compressor

If you want a good rank, it is important to have a Blog Fast Loading, but you know that when you create an image and upload it directly, then the size of that image is very large, due to which the blog is very slow loading, but you Compressor With the help of your image you can reduce the size without spoiling the quality.
This is one of the best tools for Image Compressor and most Blogger do Image Compressor with the help of this.

9. GTmetrix

It is very important to know how fast your blog is loading and in which country the loading time of your blog is, for this GTmetrix is ​​a very good tool, in this you can check your blog in Loading Speed ​​Free and what is the reason for your blog Slow loading is happening from here, you can fix it by looking here.

10. LogoPit +

Before uploading the post, you must make a good image for your post, but if many people do not know editing, then this app is very good for all of them, in this you can make a photo for your post as you wish and the size you can You also get the size that you want to make a photo of, in addition to this, you also get many features like Background Color, Front Colors, Awesome Front
Checkout this as well education responsive blogger for free
Using the Blogging Tools we have told you, you can improve your blog to a great extent and if you want to ask any questions related to it, you can comment us and if you like the information, then share it on social media.

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